

We've got screenings happening in 15 cities around the world for the premiere of Brown Girls! 
We'll keep you updated as more details are announced, but check to see if there's one happening in a city near you! 

flyer by Franny Choi

flyer by Franny Choi

flyer by Franny Choi

flyer by Franny Choi


--New York: NYU Kimmel Center
--Rincon, Puerto Rico: Skate Park (Feb 16th)
--Williamstown, MA: Dodd Living Room, Vista, the Latinx Student Organization at Williams College
--Providence, RI: AS220
--Muslim Town, Lahore: at Olomopolo media (Feb. 16th)
--London: Platform Southwark (Feb. 16th)
--Los Angeles: The Great Company
--Detroit: The Bottom Line Coffee House
--Oakland: Qulture Collective
--Seattle:  Vermillion
--Boston: Make Shift Boston
--Atlanta: Project South
--Miami: Florida International University
--Montreal: Notre Dame Des Quilles